So guys I have been in such a good mood that I decided to put a deadline for my giveaway. Now I have 38 likes and 27 subscribers still very low. but I am leaving it open till March 16, that falls on a Friday, and if by then I dont have atleast 50 on both thats half of my goal but umm if I dont have atleast 50 there will be no giveaway I need more people to even out the odds of the giveaway. SO TELL YOUR FRIENDS... I will be posting a video by the end of the week of a tutorial with a special message so keep your eyes OPEN!!! 
facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/SimpliiKait 


Hey Guys!!!
How are all of you??? So I am so happy with my YouTube channel you guys are amazing I'll be back soon to give this site some much needed love its soo hard to be a blogger. goodness. But I love you guys and thank you.

Love you,