Hey Guys!!!
So I am here to update you guys on whats been going on with life and why I have been absent from my poor deserted website.  Life has presented some challenges these past 4 months. But all is well now. I have been working hard to get the new camera that I have been dying for to make better quality videos for everyone. 
Now be ready because everything is getting upgraded on my Youtube channel I am trying to get it out there for the world to see so don't forget to tell friends about it. Especially since with new camera equipment comes new videos on hair and nails and lets face it I love my nails.  So go to the link below and subscribe.
I am also trying to launch a Vlog of my life so you guys get a better aspect on who SimpliiKait is. 

Also I am planning on making this blog a sister blog strictly dedicated to videos that I have discovered and/or made on beauty tips and tricks also to just regular blog entries on beauty and fashion tips and trick and on good lifestyle tips for a better living; that I recently have been following to better myself. 
I have missed you guys entirely and I am planning on doing a Halloween giveaway and to spice it up a month full of Halloween looks cause this is my favorite time of year for makeup. 
Anyways I missed you guys and I hope you all had an amazing Summer and embrace the on-coming season of Fall. 

I truly love you guys!


Don't forget to follow me here:
facebook: www.facebook.com/simpliikait
Tumblr:  www.tumblr.com/blog/simpliikait 
instagram and KiK: simpliikait